In DBZ Goku trained on 100G, when he went to planet Namek.

This is clear during Vegeta's training on 150G. I do not mind updated graphic style, but was it necessary to go through the battle of Gods and the Fukkatsu no F again?In order to make Beerus (and Freeza) strong, Toriyama had to nerf everyone else. However it is not so over the top and less funny. Speaking of comedy that tone reminds me slightly the first Dragon Ball anime. After few rather boring episodes filled with bad comedy it is clear that first arc is basicaly a remake of "the battle of Gods" movie, followed by the second remake of the second movie "Fukkatsu no F". If you watched the movies just skip to the episode 28. Now to the anime, which builds on those latest movies. When I heard that a second Dragon Ball Z movie is in making this time not only with the Freeza as main villain, but this time with the "F" in the title, I was certian Toriyama is sending a message to older Dragon Ball fans (and it was not a japanese word for a ressurection). After Dragon Ball Z the battle of Gods came out I watched it solely from duty. I looked at it and it was basicaly the same thing like DBZ cut off now and there with different voiceover. From time to time I went to it back and rewatched great battles and other good moments.

I wouldn't even mind if it ended sooner - before Majin Buu saga. I do not know about you, but I was completely satisfied when DBZ ended.